What materials are required to complete an application?


Is t在这里 an application deadline? The earlier you apply the better. Dominican University works on a rolling admissions policy, meaning t在这里 is no set deadline for applying. What high school academic units is the University looking for? 我们推荐的准备包括16个学术单元的学习,分布在英语中, 社会研究, 数学, 自然科学, 及外语.

Does the University offer scholarships and grants?
Yes, the University offers academic and athletic scholarships.  In fact, 98% of freshman receive an academic scholarship.  学术奖学金考虑的是SAT成绩和高中gpa,由招生办公室颁发.  体育奖学金由教练根据个人的运动能力和球队的需要颁发.

除了, 大学根据FAFSA提供的信息提供基于需求的资助, Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

Does my child need to apply for an academic scholarship?
No. 在被大学录取后,招生办公室将根据SAT成绩和高中GPA等因素确定你的孩子是否有资格获得学术奖学金.

How do I schedule a campus tour?
To schedule a tour of the campus please pick your date 在这里 或联系招生办公室,免费电话:(866)4DC-INFO或 admissions@duny.edu. 你也可以 虚拟旅行.

Do you have support services specifically for freshman?
We have a Freshman Directorate, made up of the Freshman Director, 副主任, Faculty and Peer 男人tors, 谁帮助新生过渡到多明尼加大学. 这种协助包括学术指导和帮助处理与大学生活有关的问题.  新生研讨会为学生在文科方面奠定了坚实的基础,并向他们介绍了培养学术信心的工具.  For students who need Special Services, 我们有一名特别服务协调员,他可以安排任何适当的住宿.

What safety measures are taken for students while on campus?
宿舍有24小时卡只允许入场,并有前台工作人员一天24小时. 安全摄像头位于两个宿舍的外部边界和内部走廊和大厅. The campus has 24 hour security patrols. Upon request, escorts are provided to the Residence Halls. 有关安全的其他问题可以网投十大可靠娱乐平台位于凯西大厅的安全办公室,电话:(845)848-4061.

Is t在这里 a place w在这里 my child can receive medical attention?
学生健康中心位于格兰尼托中心的二楼. Center is staffed by nurse practitioners. 除某些药物或测试外,学生不收取预约和服务费用.

Can my child bring a car to campus? 有必要吗??
Students are allowed to bring cars on campus. 每辆车都必须在保安办公室登记,以获得适当的停车许可证. 学生可以在注册课程时申请一张停车许可证,不需要额外的费用. T在这里 are many stores within easy walking distance of the campus, 晚上还有大学班车接送学生去上课.

Tutors are available through our 学业成功中心. Faculty or peer tutors can help your child with an assignment, 编辑论文, 数学辅导, 和更多的.

What forms do I need to apply for financial aid?
你应该填写联邦学生援助免费申请表(FAFSA). FAFSA的复印件可以在你孩子的高中辅导员办公室找到, Dominican University’s 最靠谱的娱乐平台十大平台 Office, 或浏览 http://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa.  如果你需要经济援助,请致电(845)848-7821或发电子邮件 studentfinancialservices@duny.edu. 

What is Dominican University’s Federal Code for the FAFSA?
Dominican University’s school code is 002713

I don’t think our family qualifies for financial aid. 我们应该申请吗??
每个家庭都必须申请经济援助才能获得机构援助. 许多家庭认为他们没有资格获得援助,并没有申请. 有一些援助来源,如无补贴的斯塔福德和PLUS贷款,无论需要都可以获得. (FAFSA)免费申请联邦学生援助表格是免费的,可以在这里找到: http://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa.

通常, 你的孩子将在收到FAFSA数据和大学录取确认后48小时内邮寄他或她的经济援助包.

The FAFSA asks for tax information. What should I do if I have not yet filed my tax returns?
You do not have to wait until your taxes are done. 你可以使用你收入的估计值,只要它们离实际值不是很远. You will have an opportunity to correct any errors later.

You should submit a letter to Student Financial Services (原财政援助 & 财务处) describing your special circumstances. Examples of special circumstances are: loss of employment, unusual medical expenses, and recent death or divorce of a parent. 了解更多信息 点击这里.

What is the difference between a grant and a loan?
助学金是给学生的礼物,帮助他们进入大学. A grant does not need to be repaid. 学生贷款是用来帮助支付大学费用的,但必须由借款人偿还.

Is work-study available for my child?
根据联邦指导方针,学生必须符合勤工俭学的资格. Eligibility is determined by parent and student income. Work study is offered to all eligible student

Does Dominican University offer a monthly payment plan?
每月付款计划可通过学费管理系统. You can arrange to make payments over a 10 month period. Please contact the Business Office for more information. Or, contact TMS directly at 1-800-722-4867 or visit them online at www.负担得起.com/dc

How do I get to Dominican University?
该大学位于纽约市以北17英里的罗克兰县,卑尔根县以北3英里(新泽西州)。, at Orangeburg Road and Western Highway, Orangeburg, NY. 方向 to the University can be found 在这里.

I have questions that aren’t addressed 在这里. 我怎样才能找到答案?
Call us at 1(866) 4DC-INFO or e-mail your questions to admissions@duny.edu.